Xbox One confirmation will have background music playing function

11/22/2015 21:51

Xbox Engineering Department head Mike Ybarra in a recent interview about the new functions, clearly indicates that the background music player "has been put on the agenda." To do this, Xbox One recently installed Windows reputedly 10 system. According to Microsoft's claim, new features seem to be not only enables you to do other things while listening to a loud. Ybarra said they would give a screenshot features the same importance to the music playing in the background. Ma issued a rare letter stabilize investor

Microsoft hopes a surprise for players, so the screenshot format supports up to. PNG Ybarra did not say what new features will be, but the commitment will be a great experience.

In fact, under the existing system, the player was able to play games while listening to music. However the application needs to call Xbox Music also occupies part of the screen, making the usefulness of this feature greatly reduced.

New feature is not likely to come next month, because Microsoft has made it clear that their next task is for the coming shopping season trying to hold the Xbox Live network quality. In February next year would be a more reliable date.