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Apple (Apple Inc.) Outgoing want to make mobile phones more intelligent, but faced a bottleneck, so the decision to solicit knowledge of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence, AI for short) professionals, join the ranks of Google, Facebook, Amazon, people!
7th exclusive Apple recruit experts aims to challenge Google's leadership in artificial intelligence, hoping to create can ascertain in advance the user needs, in front of the users demand Smartphones that provide services. Recruitment messages and found the analysis of Apple, Apple intends to hire at least 86 machine learning (machine learning, artificial intelligence branch) doctor in the area. Machine learning allow intelligent device in accordance with the user's habits predict events, such as the provision of user support team in a variety of sports scores, in accordance with the current traffic situation remind him when to go out for an appointment.
As long as the used data provided by the user, the more mobile phone is better able to predict the behavior of owner. However, Apple respect for personal privacy, so that only the home owner will let iPhone local analysis of habit, will not upload data to the cloud, machine learning start-ups Dato co-founder Joseph Gonzalez believes that this will increase the difficulty of machine learning.
Apple first introduced to the public in 2011 the Siri personal assistant intelligence, but this program on the users ' comfort level but lost to Google, Microsoft, (Microsoft Corp.) Then follow the Assistant software. Accounts for iPhone 2/3 Apple's revenue, so Apple can never let rivals open a gap. Message display, machine learning professionals employed by Apple over the past years the number has been increased from three to four times.
Apple, Google and other tech giants products differences continue to develop artificial intelligence, but the United Kingdom famous physicist Stephen Hawking (Stephen Hawking) has warned that if artificial intelligence developed, humans may be destroyed.
Hawking itself suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), commonly known as "the als". He is also relying on Intel (Intel Corp.) some kind of artificial intelligence, Swiftkey design program in order to communicate with people, this procedure can detect hawking's ideas, providing text suggestions, and a mechanical voice speak for hawking.
However, hawking is in last year May in United Kingdom independent reported (The Independent) issued a pointed out that, Johnny Depp starring of movie full evolution (Transcendence) description has a gradually runaway of AI, actually this is not alarmist, because AI future may will than financial markets also smart, and than scientists more with creative, and than human leader more can manipulation heart, even also has opportunities development out people completely cannot understanding of weapons. SmartWallit Pro Bluetooth anti lost device can
Stephen Hawking warned that world civilization is a product of human intelligence, but this intelligent AI when you zoom in, material, if any consequences of, and the only way to determine that, war, disease and poverty to be the first to eliminate the problem. Just recently, armies around the world have begun to consider importing automatic weapons system capable of choice and destroy the target (the United Nations and Human Rights Watch has begun to appeal to disable such weapons); medium term, type of artificial intelligence may even transform the entire economy, enormous wealth and brought serious confusion.